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Scientists have demonstrated for the first time a multiple-person ‘brain-to-brain’ interface where three persons collaborated to complete a task via direct ‘brain-to-brain’ communication. This interface called BrainNet paves way for direct collaboration between brains for solving a problem. A brain-to-brain interface in...
A groundbreaking study has discovered a novel way to rejuvenate inactive human senescent cells providing enormous potential for research on ageing and immense scope for improving lifespans A team led by Professor Lorna Harries at University of Exeter, UK1 has shown...
‘’The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information from DNA to protein via RNA. It states that such information is unidirectional from DNA to protein and cannot be transferred from protein to...
Anorexia nervosa is an extreme eating disorder characterized with significant weight loss. Study on genetic origins of anorexia nervosa has revealed that metabolic differences play an equally important role along with psychological effects in the development of this disease....
Scientists have developed an inexpensive sensor using PEGS technology which can test food freshness and can help reduce wastage due to discarding food prematurely (throwing away of food solely because it is close to (or passed) the use-by date,...
NASA’s ambitious mars mission Mars 2020 was successfully launched on 30 July 2020. Perseverance is the name of the rover.   The main task of Perseverance is to seek signs of ancient life and collect rock and soil samples for possible return to Earth.  Mars is cold, dry...
Study shows for the first time healthy mouse offspring born from same sex parents – in this case mothers. The biological aspect of why mammals need two opposite genders to procreate has intrigued researchers for very long. Scientists are trying...
The freefall of grapefruit from 10 m does not damage the pulp, the Arapaimas fish living in the Amazon resist the attack of piranhas’ triangular teeth arrays, Shells of the abalone sea creature are hard and fracture resistant, .......... In the above...
Engineers have built the world’ tiniest light-sensing gyroscope which could be easily integrated into smallest portable modern technology. Gyroscopes are common in every technology which we use in today’s times. Gyroscopes are used in vehicles, drones and electronic devices like...
Researchers have studied detailed effects of ‘pessimistic thinking’ which occurs in anxiety and depression More than 300 million and 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression and anxiety respectively. Many times, a person suffers from both these conditions. Psychiatric problems...
The origin of sarsens, the larger stones that make the primary architecture of Stonehenge was an enduring mystery for several centuries. The geochemical analysis1 of the data by a team of archaeologists has now shown that these megaliths originated from...
A “sibling” of Earth’s galaxy Milky Way is discovered which was torn apart by Andromeda galaxy billions of years ago Our planet Earth is part of the solar system which comprises eight planets, numerous comets and asteroids which orbit the...
Protein expression refers to the synthesis of proteins within cells using information contained in the DNA or gene.  Proteins are responsible for all the biochemical reactions that take place within the cell. Hence, it makes it necessary to study protein function in...
This first case of genetic manipulation in a lizard has created a model organism that could help gain further understanding of reptile evolution and development CRISPR-Cas9 or simply CRISPR is a unique, fast and inexpensive gene editing tool which enables...
Scientists have excavated the largest dinosaur fossil which would have been the largest terrestrial animal on our planet. A team of scientists from South Africa, UK and Brazil led by University of Witwatersrand have discovered a fossil of a new...
For the first time, delivery of genetic material induced heart cells to de-differentiate and proliferate in a large-animal model after myocardial infarction. This led to improvement in heart functions. According to WHO, around 25 million people worldwide are affected by...
Highest level resolution (Angstrom level) microscopy developed that could observe vibration of molecule The science and technology of microscopy has come a long way since Van Leeuwenhoek achieved magnification of about 300 in late 17th century using a simple single...
In the very early universe, soon after the Big Bang, the ‘matter’ and the ‘antimatter’ both existed in equal amount. However, for the reasons unknown so far, the 'matter' dominates the present universe. The T2K researchers have recently shown...
NASA recently released the spectacular bright image of the firework galaxy NGC 6946 taken earlier by Hubble space telescope (1)   A galaxy is a system of stars, remnants of stars, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter that are bound together...
Unlocking the genetic information of a fern could provide us potential solutions to multiple issues faced by our planet today. In genome sequencing, DNA sequencing is done to determine the order of nucleotides in every specific DNA molecule. This exact...
Study shows growing food organically has higher impact on climate because of more land use Organic food has become very popular in the last decade as consumers are becoming more aware and health and quality conscious. Organic food is produced...
Nicotine has a vast array of neurophysiological effects, not all of which are negative despite popular opinion of nicotine as a simplistically harmful substance. Nicotine has various pro-cognitive effects and has even been used in transdermal therapy to improve...
A recent breakthrough study unearths anew mechanism of schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects approximately 1.1% of the adult population or roughly 51 million people worldwide.When schizophrenia is in its active form, symptoms can include delusions, hallucinations,...
Compounds have been identified which could prevent malaria parasites from infecting mosquitos, thereby stopping the spread of malaria. Malaria is a global burden and it claims 450,000 lives each year globally. The main symptoms of malaria include high fevers, chills...
In a breakthrough study, first primates have been successfully cloned using the same technique used to clone the first mammal Dolly the sheep. The first ever primates have been cloned using a method called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the technique which...


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