category earth science Scientific European
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In September 2023, uniform single frequency seismic waves were recorded at centres across the globe which lasted for nine days. These seismic waves were very much unlike waves generated by earthquake or volcano hence how they were formed remained...
The gigantic uniform aurora seen from the ground on the Christmas night of 2022 has been confirmed to be polar rain aurora. This was the first ground-based observation of polar rain aurora. Unlike typical aurora which are driven by...
Why largest Pyramids in Egypt are clustered along a narrow strip in the desert? What means were used by the ancient Egyptians to transport such large heavy blocks of stones for construction of pyramids?   Experts have argued that perhaps...
Hualien County area of Taiwan has been stuck with a powerful earthquake of magnitude (ML) 7.2 on 03 April 2024 at 07:58:09 hours local time. The epicentre was 23.77°N, 121.67°E 25.0 km SSE of Hualien County Hall at a focal...
A fossilised forest comprising of fossil trees (known as Calamophyton), and vegetation-induced sedimentary structures has been discovered in the high sandstone cliffs along the Devon and Somerset coast of Southwest England. This dates from 390 million years ago which...
The mineral Davemaoite (CaSiO3-perovskite, the third most abundant mineral in lower mantle layer of Earth’s interior) has been discovered on the surface of the Earth for the first time. It was found trapped inside a diamond. Perovskite is found naturally ONLY in...
Situated about 600 miles west of coast of Ecuador in Pacific Ocean, Galápagos volcanic islands are known for its rich ecosystems and endemic animal species. This inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution of species. It is known that rising up...
New research expands role of Earth’s magnetic field. In addition to protecting Earth from harmful charged particles in incoming solar wind, it also controls how the energy generated (by charged particles in solar winds) is distributed between two the...
Circular Solar Halo is an optical phenomenon seen in the sky when sunlight interacts with ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere. These pictures of solar halo were observed on 09 June 2019 in Hampshire England. On Sunday morning of 09...
A novel artificial intelligence approach could help predict location of aftershocks following an earthquake An earthquake is a phenomenon caused when rock underground in the Earth’s crust suddenly breaks around a geological fault line. This causes rapid release of energy...
Geologists have marked a new phase in the history of earth after discovering evidences in Meghalaya, India The current age which we are living in has been recently officially designated at the ‘Meghalayan Age’ by the International Geologic Time scale....


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