category science policy Scientific European
Attribution: U.S. Department of State, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
10th edition of the Science Summit at 79th United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA79) will be held from the 10th to the 27th of September 2024 in New York City.   The main theme of the summit is the contribution of...
A High-Level Conference on Science Communication 'Unlocking the Power of Science Communication in Research and Policy Making', was held in Brussels on 12 and 13 March 2024.  The conference was co-organised by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Fund for...
Alfred Nobel, the entrepreneur better known for inventing dynamite who made fortunes from explosives and arms business and bequeathed his wealth to institute and endow “prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind”....
The United Kingdom and the European Commission (EC) have reached an agreement on the UK's participation in Horizon Europe (EU's research and innovation) programme and Copernicus (EU's Earth observation) programme. This is in line with the EU-UK Trade and...
Non-native English speakers face several barriers in conducting activities in science. They are at disadvantages in reading papers in English, writing and proofreading manuscripts, and preparing and making oral presentations in conferences in English. With little support available at...
The service, maintained by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland is to provide Researcher Information service on the portal enabling quick access to information on researchers working in Finland. This will make it easier for users...
The hard work performed by the scientists lead to limited success, which is measured by peers and contemporaries by way of publications, patents and awards. As and when the success happens, it directly benefits the society in terms of...
Irish government announces €5 million in funding to support 26 projects under the COVID-19 rapid response research and innovation program. Irish government announces €5 million in funding to support 26 projects under the COVID-19 rapid response research and innovation program....
Scientific European publish significant advances in science, research news, updates on ongoing research projects, fresh insight or perspective or commentary for dissemination to general people. The idea is to connect science to society. The scientists can publish an article...


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