Authors Instructions

1. Scope

Scientific European® covers all scientific areas. The articles should be on recent scientific discoveries or innovations or overviews of ongoing research of practical and theoretical significance. The story should be told in a simple manner suitable for a general audience who are interested in science and technology without much of technical jargon or complex equations and should be based on recent (about previous two years) research findings. Consideration should be given about how your story is different from previous coverage in any media. The ideas should be conveyed with clarity and concision.

Scientific European is NOT a peer-reviewed journal.

2. Types of Article

Articles in SCIEU® are categorised as Review of recent advances, Insights and Analysis, Editorial, Opinion, Perspective, News from Industry, Commentary, Science News etc. The length of these articles may be an average of 800-1500 words. Please note that SCIEU® presents ideas that have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific literature. We do NOT publish new theories or results of original research.

3. Editorial Mission

Our mission is to disseminate significant advances in science to general readers Impact on humankind. Inspiring minds The aim of Scientific European® (SCIEU)® is to bring current happenings in science to a wider audience to make them aware of advances in the scientific fields. Interesting and relevant ideas from diverse areas of science which are conveyed in a simple manner with clarity and concision and which have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific literature in the recent past.

4. Editorial Process

Each manuscript undergoes a general review process to ensure accuracy and style. The aim of the review process is to ensure that the article is suitable for the scientifically minded public, i.e. avoids complicated mathematical equation and difficult terminology and to scrutinise the correctness of scientific facts and ideas presented in the article. The original publication should be consulted and each story that originates from a scientific publication should cite its source. SCIEU® editors will treat the submitted article and all communication with the author(s) as confidential. Author(s) must also treat any communication with SCIEU® as confidential.

Articles are reviewed on the basis of practical and theoretical significance of the topic, description of the story on chosen subject matter to a general audience, credentials of the author(s), citation of sources, timeliness of the story and unique presentation from any previous coverage of the topic in any media.

 Copyright and License

6. Timeline

Please allow six to eight weeks for the general review process.

Submit your manuscripts electronically on our ePress page. Please fill in details of author(s) and upload manuscript.

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You may also send your manuscript by email to 

7. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Assignment

7.1 Introduction to DOI: A DOI is assigned to any specific piece of intellectual property (1). It can be assigned to any entity – physical, digital or abstract for managing as intellectual property or for sharing with an interested user community (2). It is not related to the peer-review status of an article. Both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed articles can have DOIs (3). Academia is one of the largest users of the DOI system (4).  

7.2 Articles published in SCIENTIFIC EUROPEAN can be assigned DOI based on its attributes such as unique ways of presenting novel innovation, recentness and value to the scientifically minded general public, in-depth analysis of a current issue of interest. Decision of Editor-in Chief is final in this regard.  


8.2 Articles providing information about SCIENTIFIC EUROPEAN

a. Bridging the Gap Between Science and The Common Man: A Scientist’s Perspective

b. Scientific European Connects General Readers to the Original Research

c. Scientific European -An Introduction

9. Editor’s Note:

‘Scientific European’ is an open access magazine geared to general audiences. Our DOI is

We publish significant advances in science, research news, updates on ongoing research projects, fresh insight or perspective or commentary for dissemination to general people. The idea is to connect science to society. The scientists can publish an article about a published or an ongoing research project on a significant societal importance that the people should be made aware of. The published articles can be assigned DOI by the Scientific European, depending upon significance of the work and its novelty. We do not publish primary research, there is no peer-review, and articles are reviewed by the editors.

There is no processing fee associated with publication of such articles. Scientific European does not charge any fee to authors to publish articles aimed at dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of their research/expertise to common people. It is voluntary; the scientists/authors do not get paid.

