Category environment Scientific European
Attribution: USAID U.S. Agency for International Development, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Global warming and climate change has led to record heatwaves in the UK posing significant health risks especially to elderly and people with chronic diseases. As a result, heatwave excess mortality has risen. Indoor overheating has become an...
The rate of ice loss for Earth has increased by 57% from 0.8 to 1.2 trillion tonnes per year since 1990s. As a result, the sea level has risen by about 35 mm. The majority of the ice loss is attributed...
Climate change as a result of global warming attributed to excessive greenhouse emissions in the atmosphere is a serious threat to the societies across the world. In response, the stakeholders are working towards reduction of carbon emissions in the atmosphere...
Death Valley, California recorded a high temperature of 130°F (54.4C)) at 3:41 PM PDT on Sunday, August 16, 2020.  This temperature was measured at Furnace Creek near the Visitors Center using a National Weather Service owned automated observation system. This...
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held at Expo City, Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It began on 30th November 2023 and will continue...
Carbon emission from commercial aircrafts could be reduced by about 16 % through better use of wind direction   Commercial aircrafts use lot of fuels to generate sufficient power to sustain flight. The burning of aviation fuels contributes in greenhouse gases in...
Sea level along USA coastlines will rise about 25 to 30 cm on average above current levels over the next 30 years. Consequently, tide and storm surge heights will increase and reach further inland worsening coastal flooding pattern. The additional...
Scientists have developed a laser technology which could open avenues for clean fuel and energy technologies in the future. We urgently need environment friendly and sustainable ways to replace fossil fuels, oil and natural gas. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an...
A new carbon capture method has been devised to capture carbon dioxide from fossil-fuel emissions Greenhouse emissions are the biggest contributor towards climate change. Emissions of critical greenhouse gases is a result of large-scale industrialization and human activity. Most of...
Temperatures in big cities are rising due to ‘urban heat island effect’ and this is increasing the intensity and frequency of heat events. Study uses computational modeling to assess characteristics associated with increased temperatures across land-uses in cities to...
With its first view of Earth, NASA’s EMIT Mission achieves milestone towards better understanding of climate effects of mineral dust in the atmosphere.   On 27 July 2022, NASA’s Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT), installed on the International...
Evolution and extinction of new species have gone hand in hand since life began on Earth. However, there have been at least five episodes of large-scale extinctions of life-forms in the past 500 million years. In these episodes, more...
Study shows the severe effects of climate change on air pollution thus further impacting mortality worldwide A new study has shown that future climate change if left unaddressed has the potential to cause approximately 60000 deaths globally by the year...
Plastic pollution poses a major threat to ecosystems worldwide especially marine environment as most of the plastics used and discarded reach finally in rivers and oceans. This is responsible for the imbalance of marine ecosystems causing harm to oceanic...
Underwater robots in the form of gliders will navigate through the North Sea taking measurements, such as salinity and temperature under a collaboration between National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and the Met Office for improvement in collection and distribution of...
Hidden, oceanic internal waves have been found to play a role in deep-sea biodiversity. In contrast to the surface waves, the internal waves are formed as a result of thermal contraction in layers of the water column and help...
Fire was reported in Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in South-East of Ukraine amidst ongoing crisis in the region. The site is not affected. There is no reported change in radiation levels at the plant which is protected by...
Being both carbon-free and nuclear-free is not going to be easy for Germany and European Union (EU) when trying to meet the target of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to keep temperature rises within 1.5oC. Over 75% of...
Researchers have identified and engineered an enzyme which can digest and consume some of our most commonly polluting plastics providing a hope for recycling and fighting pollution Polluting plastics is the biggest environmental challenge worldwide in the form of plastic...
UK Space Agency will support two new projects. The first envisages using satellite to monitor and map heat in locations at greatest risk from climate change. Development of a prototype Climate Risk Index tool (CRISP) is the second project...
The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), popularly known as United Nations Climate Change Conference, currently being held in UAE has announced several initiatives and partnerships aimed at sustainable urban development which...
A new study examined interactions between biomolecules and clay minerals in the soil and shed light on factors that influence trapping of plant-based carbon in the soil. It was found that charge on biomolecules and clay minerals, structure of...
The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) has concluded with an agreement named The UAE Consensus, that sets out an ambitious climate agenda to keep 1.5°C within reach. This calls on Parties to transition away from fossil fuels to reach...
Comprehensive study on the seventh biggest country of the world, India, shows how ambient air pollution is majorly affecting health outcomes According to WHO, ambient air pollution is responsible for almost 7 million annual deaths worldwide due to exposure to...
Study has calculated energy-return-on-investment (EROI) ratios for fossil fuels from first extraction stage till the last stage when the usable fuel is ready. It is concluded that fossil fuels EROI ratios are low, declining and are similar to renewable...


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