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Scientific European® | | Significant advances in science. Impact on humankind. Inspiring minds.
319 Articles written

Direct Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Air: Promising Way to Tackle Carbon Footprint and Fuel Generation

Study had shown a scalable and affordable solution of directly capturing carbon dioxide from air and tackling carbon footprint Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a major...

Smoothening The Wrinkles ‘Inside’ Our Cells: Step Ahead For Anti-Ageing

A new breakthrough study has shown how we could restore our cell’s functionality and tackle the unwanted effects of ageing Ageing is a natural and...

A Way Forward in Developing Medicines with Fewer Unwanted Side Effects

A breakthrough study has shown a way forward to create medicines/drugs which have fewer unwanted side effects than we have today Medicines in today’s times...

A Plastic Eating Enzyme: Hope for Recycling and Fighting Pollution

Researchers have identified and engineered an enzyme which can digest and consume some of our most commonly polluting plastics providing a hope for recycling...

Precision Medicine for Cancer, Neural Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases

New study shows a method to individually distinguish cells in the body in order to advance precision medicine or personalised therapeutic treatments. Precision medicine is...

Advances in Regeneration of Damaged Heart

Recent twin studies have shown novel ways of regenerating a damaged heart Heart failure affects at least 26 million people worldwide and is responsible for...

A Step Towards Finding a Cure for Greying and Baldness

Researchers have identified a group of cells in the hair follicles of mice which are important both in forming the hair shaft to allow...

New Nanofiber Dressing for Efficient Wound Healing

Recent studies have developed new wound dressings which accelerate healing and improve tissue regeneration in wounds. Scientists discovered a very important aspect of wound healing...

Use of Nanowires to Produce Safer and Powerful Batteries

Study has discovered a way to make batteries that we use every day to be more resilient, powerful and safe. The year is 2018 and...

Bacteria on Healthy Skin Could Prevent Skin Cancer?

Study has shown bacteria which is commonly found on our skin acts as a potential “layer” of protection against cancer The occurrence of skin cancer...

Sugars and Artificial Sweeteners Harmful in the Same Manner

Recent studies have shown that artificial sweeteners need to be approached with caution and they may not be good and can cause conditions like...

A New Tooth-Mounted Nutrition Tracker

Recent study has developed a new tooth mounted tracker which records what we are eating and is the next trend to be added to...

DNA As a Medium to Store Vast Computer Data: a Reality Very Soon?

A breakthrough study takes significant step forward in the quest to develop a DNA-based storage system for digital data. Digital data is growing at an...

Sustainable Agriculture: Economic and Environmental Conservation for Smallholding Farmers

A recent report shows a sustainable agriculture initiative in China to achieve high crop yield and low use of fertilizers using an elaborate network...

Graphene: A Giant Leap Towards Room Temperature Superconductors

Recent ground-breaking study has shown the unique properties of material graphene for a long-term possibility of finally developing economical and practical-to-use superconductors. A superconductor is...

Artificial Intelligence Systems: Enabling Fast and Efficient Medical Diagnosis?

Recent studies have shown the capability of artificial intelligence systems in medically diagnosing important diseases Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have been around for quite some...

New Innovatively-Designed Low Cost material to Combat Air and Water Pollution

Study has produced a new material which could adsorb air and water pollutants and could be a low cost sustainable alternative to the currently...

A Hopeful Alternative to Antibiotics for Treating Urinary Tract Infections

Researchers have reported a new way to treat Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) in mice without using antibiotics A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection...

Remembering Stephen Hawking

''However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at '' – Stephen Hawking Stephen W. Hawking (1942-2018) will be...

Tricking the Body: a New Preventive Way to Tackle Allergies

A new study shows an innovative method to tackle food allergy in mice by tricking the immune system into avoiding giving out an allergic...

New Hope for Attacking the Deadliest Form of Malaria

A set of studies describe a human antibody which can effectively prevent the deadliest malaria caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum Malaria is one of...

Artificial Muscle

In a major advancement in robotics, robot with ‘soft’ human-like muscles have been successfully designed for the first time. Such soft robots can be...

New Understanding of Schizophrenia

A recent breakthrough study unearths anew mechanism of schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disorder that affects approximately 1.1% of the adult population or roughly...

‘e-Skin’ That Mimics The Biological Skin and Its Functions

The discovery of a new type of malleable, self-healing and completely recyclable "electronic skin” has wide applications in health monitoring, robotics, prosthetics and improved...

A Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Drug Candidate

Recent study has developed a new potential broad-spectrum drug for treating infections from Herpes Simplex Virus-1 and possibly other viruses in both new patients...
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Does Regular Use of Multivitamins (MV) by Healthy Individuals Improve Health?  

A large-scale study with lengthy follow ups has found...

Lolamicin: The Selective antibiotic against Gram-negative infections that spares gut microbiome  

Current antibiotics used in clinical practice, in addition to...

Fork Fern Tmesipteris Oblanceolata has The Largest Genome on Earth  

Tmesipteris oblanceolata , a type of fork fern native to...

Crows Can Form Numerical Concept and Plan Their Vocalizations 

Carrion crows can apply their learning ability and vocal...

German Cockroach Originated in India or Myanmar  

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is world’s most common...

The Ahramat Branch: The Extinct Branch of The Nile That Ran By The Pyramids 

Why largest Pyramids in Egypt are clustered along a...

Several Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) from The Sun Observed  

At least seven coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the...

A Mouse can Sense the World Using Regenerated Neurons from Another Species  

Interspecies Blastocyst Complementation (IBC) (i.e., complementation by microinjecting stem...

Airborne Transmission redefined by WHO  

Spread of pathogens through the air has been described...