Tooth Decay: A New Anti-Bacterial Filling That Prevents Reoccurrence

Scientists have incorporated a nanomaterial having antibacterial property into composite filling material. This new filling material can effectively prevent reoccurrence of tooth cavities caused...

The Paralyzed Arms and Hands Restored by Nerve Transfer

Early nerve transfer surgery to treat paralysis of arms and hands due to spinal injury is helpful in improving function. Post two years of...

Longevity: Physical Activity in Middle and Older Age is Crucial

Study shows that engaging in long-term physical activity can help middle-aged and older adults lower their risk of diseases and mortality. The benefit of...

BrainNet: The First Case of Direct ‘Brain-To-Brain’ Communication

Scientists have demonstrated for the first time a multiple-person ‘brain-to-brain’ interface where three persons collaborated to complete a task via direct ‘brain-to-brain’ communication. This...

‘Autofocals’, a Prototype Eyeglass to Correct Presbyopia (Loss of Near Vision)

Scientists from Stanford University have developed a prototype of auto-focusing eyeglasses which automatically focus on where the wearer is looking. It can help correct...

Science, Truth, and Meaning

The book presents a scientific and philosophical examination of our place in the world. It reveals the journey mankind has made from the philosophical...