Automated Virtual Reality (VR) Treatments for Mental Health Disorders

Study shows effectiveness of an automated virtual reality treatment to psychologically intervene in reducing a person’s fear of heights Virtual Reality (VR) is a method...

Does Regular Breakfast Eating Really Help Reduce Body Weight?

A review of previous trials shows that eating or skipping breakfast may not have any impact on a person’s health Breakfast is well believed to...

Delivering Oral Dose of Insulin to Patients of Type 1 Diabetes:...

A new pill has been designed which delivers insulin into the bloodstream easily and pain-free, in pigs for now Insulin is an important hormone required...

e-Cigarettes Twice More Effective in Helping Smokers to Quit Smoking

Study shows the e-cigarettes are twice more effective than nicotine-replacement therapy in helping smokers to quit smoking. Smoking is one of the leading causes of...

A Unique Textile Fabric with Self-Adjusting Heat Emissivity

The first temperature-sensitive textile has been created which can regulate our body’s heat exchange with the environment Our body absorbs or loses heat in the...

Influence of Gut Bacteria on Depression and Mental Health

Scientists have identified several groups of bacteria which varied along with depression and quality of life in humans Our gastrointestinal (GI) track has a trillion...