Most Recent Articles by

Umesh Prasad

Science journalist | Founder editor, Scientific European magazine
111 Articles written

Is ‘Nuclear Battery’ coming of age?

Betavolt Technology, a Beijing based company has announced miniaturization of nuclear battery using Ni-63 radioisotope and diamond semiconductor (fourth generation semiconductor) module.   Nuclear battery...

Why It Is Important to Be Tenacious?  

Tenacity is an important success factor. Anterior mid-cingulate cortex (aMCC) of the brain contributes in being tenacious and has a role in successful aging....

The Fast Radio Burst, FRB 20220610A originated from a novel source  

Fast Radio Burst FRB 20220610A, the most powerful radio burst ever observed was detected on 10 June 2022. It had originated from a source...

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR): a novel antibiotic Zosurabalpin (RG6006) shows promise in pre-clinical trials

Antibiotic resistance particularly by Gram-negative bacteria has nearly created a crisis like situation. The novel antibiotic Zosurabalpin (RG6006) shows promises. It has been found to...

‘Gateway’ Lunar Space Station of ‘Artemis Mission’: UAE to provide an Airlock  

UAE’s MBR Space Centre has collaborated with NASA to provide an airlock for the first lunar space station Gateway that will orbit the Moon...

Brown Dwarfs (BDs): James Webb Telescope Identifies Smallest Object formed in a Star-like manner 

Stars have a life cycle spanning a few million to trillions of years. They are born, undergo changes with the passage of time and...

Mindfulness meditation (MM) reduces Patient anxiety in Dental implant surgery 

Mindfulness meditation (MM) can be an effective sedative technique for dental implant operation conducted under local anaesthesia.  Dental implant surgery lasts for 1-2 hours. Patients...

XPoSat : ISRO launches World’s Second ‘X-ray Polarimetry Space Observatory’  

ISRO has successfully launched the satellite XPoSat which is world’s second ‘X-ray Polarimetry Space Observatory’. This will carry out research in space-based polarisation measurements...

Prions: Risk of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) or Zombie deer disease 

Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), first detected in 1996 in the United Kingdom, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or ‘mad cow’ disease) and Zombie deer disease or Chronic Wasting Disease...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems Conduct Research in Chemistry Autonomously  

Scientists have successfully integrated latest AI tools (e.g. GPT-4) with automation to develop ‘systems’ capable of autonomously designing, planning and performing complex chemical experiments....

‘Fusion Ignition’ demonstrated fourth time at Lawrence Laboratory  

‘Fusion Ignition’ achieved first in December 2022 has been demonstrated another three times to date at National Ignition Facility (NIF) of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory...

COVID-19: JN.1 sub-variant has higher transmissibility and immune escape ability 

Spike mutation (S: L455S) is hallmark mutation of JN.1 sub-variant which significantly enhances its immune evasion capability enabling it to effectively evade Class 1...

Anthrobots: The First Biological Robots (Biobots) Made from Human Cells

The word ‘robot’ evokes images of human-like manmade metallic machine (humanoid) designed and programmed to automatically perform some tasks for us. However, robots (or...

COP28: “The UAE Consensus”calls for transition away from fossil fuels by 2050  

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) has concluded with an agreement named The UAE Consensus, that sets out an ambitious climate agenda to...

The Buildings Breakthrough and the Cement Breakthrough launched at COP28  

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), popularly known as United Nations Climate Change Conference, currently being...

Black-hole merger: the first detection of multiple ringdown frequencies   

Merger of two black holes has three stages: inspiral, merger and ringdown phases. Characteristic gravitational waves are emitted in each phase. The last ringdown phase...

COP28: Global stocktake reveals world is not on track to Climate goal  

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) or United Nations Climate Change Conference is being held at Expo...

Second malaria vaccine R21/Matrix-M recommended by WHO

A new vaccine, R21/Matrix-M has been recommended by the WHO for the prevention of malaria in children.   Earlier in 2021, WHO had recommended RTS,S/AS01...

Chemistry Nobel Prize 2023 for the discovery and synthesis of Quantum dots  

This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded jointly to Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov “for the discovery and synthesis of...

Antimatter is influenced by gravity in the same way as matter 

Matter is subject to gravitational attraction. Einstein’s general relativity had predicted that antimatter also should fall to Earth in the same way. However, there...

NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Mission brings sample from asteroid Bennu to Earth  

NASA’s first asteroid sample return mission, OSIRIS-REx, launched seven years ago in 2016 to near-Earth asteroid Bennu has delivered the asteroid sample that it...

First Detection of Oxygen 28 & Standard shell-model of nuclear structure   

Oxygen-28 (28O), the heaviest rare isotope of oxygen has been detected for the first time by Japanese researchers. Unexpectedly it was found to be short-lived...

Kākāpō Parrot: Genomic sequencing benefits Conservation programme

Kākāpō parrot (also known as “owl parrot” because of its owl-like facial features) is a critically endangered parrot species native to New Zealand. It...

Lunar Race 2.0: What drive renewed interests in moon missions?  

 Between 1958 and 1978, USA and former USSR sent 59 and 58 moon missions respectively. The lunar race between the two ceased in 1978....

Lunar Race: India’s Chandrayaan 3 achieves Soft-landing capability  

India’s lunar lander Vikram (with rover Pragyan) of Chandrayaan-3 mission has safely soft landed at high latitude lunar surface on south pole along with...
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Aurora Forms: “Polar Rain Aurora” Detected from the Ground for the First Time  

The gigantic uniform aurora seen from the ground on...

Science of “Fifth State of Matter”: Molecular Bose–Einstein Condensate (BEC) Achieved   

In a recently published report, the Will Lab team...

First Detection of Secondary Atmosphere around an Exoplanet  

A study involving measurements by James Webb Space Telescope...

Discovery of Nitrogen-Fixing Cell-organelle Nitroplast in a Eukaryotic Algae   

Biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acid require nitrogen however...

Ultra-High Fields (UHF) Human MRI: Living Brain imaged with 11.7 Tesla MRI of Iseult Project  

Iseult Project’s 11.7 Tesla MRI machine has taken remarkable...

Earliest Fossil Forest on the Earth discovered in England  

A fossilised forest comprising of fossil trees (known as...

Prospect of Life in Europa’s Ocean: Juno Mission finds low Oxygen Production  

Europa, one of the largest satellites of Jupiter has...

Alfred Nobel to Leonard Blavatnik: How Awards founded by the philanthropists Impact Scientists and Science  

Alfred Nobel, the entrepreneur better known for inventing dynamite...