Discovery of Nitrogen-Fixing Cell-organelle Nitroplast in a Eukaryotic Algae   

Biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acid require nitrogen however atmospheric nitrogen is not available to eukaryotes for organic synthesis. Only few prokaryotes (such as...

Growing Neanderthal Brain in the Laboratory

Studying the Neanderthal brain can reveal genetic modifications which caused Neanderthals to face extinction while made us humans as a unique long-surviving species Neanderthals were...

Molecular Origin of Life: What Formed First – Protein, DNA or RNA or a Combination Thereof?

‘Several questions about origin of life have been answered, but much remains to be studied’’ said Stanley Miller and Harold Urey way back in...

Non-parthenogenetic animals give “virgin births” following Genetic engineering  

Parthenogenesis is asexual reproduction in which genetic contribution from male is dispensed with. Eggs develop to offspring on their own without being fertilised by...

‘Adult Frog Regrows Amputated Legs’: An Advance in Organ Regeneration Research

Adult frogs have been shown for the first time to regrow amputated legs marking it as a breakthrough for organ regeneration. Regeneration means re-growing a...
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Cells with Synthetic Minimalistic Genome Undergo Normal Cell Division

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