category Biology Scientific European
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Protein expression refers to the synthesis of proteins within cells using information contained in the DNA or gene.  Proteins are responsible for all the biochemical reactions that take place within the cell. Hence, it makes it necessary to study protein function in...
Compounds have been identified which could prevent malaria parasites from infecting mosquitos, thereby stopping the spread of malaria. Malaria is a global burden and it claims 450,000 lives each year globally. The main symptoms of malaria include high fevers, chills...
Some organisms have ability to suspend life processes when under adverse environmental conditions. Called cryptobiosis or suspended animation, it is a survival tool. Organisms under suspended animation revive when environmental conditions become favourable. In 2018, viable nematodes from late...
Study highlights the key genes which can prevent motor function decline as an organism ages, for now in worms Ageing is a natural and inevitable process for every organism in which there is a decline in function of many different...
This first case of genetic manipulation in a lizard has created a model organism that could help gain further understanding of reptile evolution and development CRISPR-Cas9 or simply CRISPR is a unique, fast and inexpensive gene editing tool which enables...
The complete human genome sequence of the two X chromosomes and autosomes from the female tissue derived cell line has been completed. This includes the 8% of the genome sequence that was missing in the original draft that was...
A new study reveals that bacterial DNA can be read either forwards or backwards due to the presence of symmetry in their DNA signals1. This finding challenges the existing knowledge about gene transcription, the mechanism by which the genes...
A crucial protein which is responsible for longevity has been identified for the first time in monkeys Plethora of research is happening in the field of ageing as it is essential to understand the genetic basis of ageing to be...
The ambitious mission of replicating the human brain onto a computer and achieving immortality. Multiple research shows that we could well imagine a future where infinite number of humans can upload their minds to the computer thus having an actual...
Biosynthesis of proteins and nucleic acid require nitrogen however atmospheric nitrogen is not available to eukaryotes for organic synthesis. Only few prokaryotes (such as cyanobacteria, clostridia, archaea etc) have the ability to fix the molecular nitrogen abundantly available in...
Thiomargarita magnifica, the biggest bacteria have evolved to acquire complexity, becoming of eukaryotic cells. This seems to challenge the traditional idea of a prokaryote. It was in 2009 when scientists had a strange encounter with microbial diversity that exists in...
Studying the Neanderthal brain can reveal genetic modifications which caused Neanderthals to face extinction while made us humans as a unique long-surviving species Neanderthals were a human species (called Neanderthal neanderthalensis) who evolved in Asia and Europe and coexisted for...
Study shows for the first time healthy mouse offspring born from same sex parents – in this case mothers. The biological aspect of why mammals need two opposite genders to procreate has intrigued researchers for very long. Scientists are trying...
A new species of sea slug, named Pleurobranchaea britannica, has been discovered in the waters off the southwest coast of England. This is the first recorded instance of a sea slug from the Pleurobranchaea genus in UK waters.  It is a...
Scientists have demonstrated for the first time a multiple-person ‘brain-to-brain’ interface where three persons collaborated to complete a task via direct ‘brain-to-brain’ communication. This interface called BrainNet paves way for direct collaboration between brains for solving a problem. A brain-to-brain interface in...
A new, complete dataset of comprehensive functional trait for all birds, called AVONET, containing measurements of more than 90,000 individual birds has been released courtesy an international effort. This would serve as an excellent resource for teaching and research...
Unlocking the genetic information of a fern could provide us potential solutions to multiple issues faced by our planet today. In genome sequencing, DNA sequencing is done to determine the order of nucleotides in every specific DNA molecule. This exact...
In a breakthrough study, first primates have been successfully cloned using the same technique used to clone the first mammal Dolly the sheep. The first ever primates have been cloned using a method called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the technique which...
New study shows that it might be possible to transfer memory between organisms by transferring RNA from a trained organism into an untrained one RNA or ribonucleic acid is the cellular ‘messenger’ which codes for proteins and carries DNA’s instructions...
‘’The central dogma of molecular biology deals with the detailed residue-by-residue transfer of sequential information from DNA to protein via RNA. It states that such information is unidirectional from DNA to protein and cannot be transferred from protein to...
Bacterial dormancy is survival strategy in response to stressful exposure to antibiotics taken by a patient for treatment. The dormant cells become tolerant to antibiotics and are killed at slower rate and survive sometimes. This is called ‘antibiotic tolerance’...
Cells with fully artificial synthesized genome were reported first in 2010 from which a minimalistic genome cell was derived that showed abnormal morphology upon cell division. Recent addition of a group of genes to this minimalistic cell restored the...
The Human Genome Project revealed that ~1-2% of our genome makes functional proteins while the role of the remaining 98-99% remains enigmatic. Researchers have tried to uncover the mysteries surrounding the same and this article throws light on our...
Case study reports first rare semi-identical twins in humans to be identified during pregnancy and only second ever known till now Identical twins (monozygotic) are conceived when cells from a single egg are fertilized by a single sperm and they...
First study to show development of interspecies chimera as a new source of organs for transplants In a study published in Cell1, chimeras - named after the mythical lion-goat-serpent monster – are made for the first time by combining material from...


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